Thursday 21 April 2022

Expectations vs reality of digital marketing and content creation.

Content creation is the foundation of all modern digital marketing efforts. Digital marketing and content creation depend on one another .  You can never go wrong with quality content. But that content can’t be created over night, hence the royal status. Content creation is time consuming and require a team to plan, write and then post. Someone has to  plan out a strategy for that content and then make it. It is thus advisable for one not to limit themselves to create content on one platform. For example if you create content on Instagram, it is best to also consider YouTube or tik tok in order for you to grow. However, your audience’s engagement will further inform what kind of content you develop in the future.

Content creators have certain expectations and turn to forget the realities of everything. Below are some of the expectations and realities of digital marketing and content creating 

Expectation: You only need to create content a few times to see results.

Reality: Digital marketing and content creation are continuous efforts.

You need to create content on a consistent basis if you want to see results for your brand. Content creation should be an ongoing task to generate the results you want for your brand. This includes Facebook pages, Instagram posts and live videos ,e-books, YouTube videos anything your audience would engage with and love. Just posting a few stories or posts on Instagram few times  a month or in two months won’t be enough to catch your audience attention .

It can take up to six to eight months before you start to see true success with your content. But instead of giving up, one needs to stay focused and be patient. Remember the is no need in creating content that  is  irrelevant, so the idea is to  generate  more relevant content that users can actually benefit from. So it is important to open up for suggestions and options which will help you in making adjustments where  necessary. Only then will your content grow as time goes by. Also By studying engagement rates for each piece of content, you’ll be able to pick up insights on what topics people are most interested in and improve your overall content marketing strategy.

Expectation: Your content is good forever once  posted.

Reality: You need to revisit and optimize your content.

Every often preferably every few months,you will  need to revisit your posts and pages. This is especially important if a new Google update rolls out that impacts your brand’s SEO. 

If you do not revisit your old content and optimize it, you could end up taking a hit across the board with your website’s visibility and search engine rankings. Helpful tools like Checkbot will alert you if any of your website’s pages have SEO or speed issues and show you where you can improve. Also revisiting your old post helps you grow as an individual, learn from your past mistakes, improve your work and explore your skills as a content creator in the digital space.

Expectation: you only need a smartphone to create content

Reality: you need to invest in your equipments as much as possible 

A lot of people undervalue the importance of having proper working equipments. Maybe because some are not aware that content creation is a job, you need to put in the work to get the results. Investing in good camera for quality pictures, video and proper feed can go a long way. Quality content is key. It highlights your level of professionalism while increasing your credibility as a content creator or a company, whereas a poorly taken picture in contrast, can make your company appear unorganized. A great photo set prominently on a web page or feed  can encourage  consumers to stay on your feed or even visit more regularly to have an overall better brand 

content creation is an opportunity to reach more people and convert your existing audience. Fully integrate content creation into your digital marketing strategy and think of it as an educational lead magnet. You’ll see results without needing to constantly churn out new promotions to bring in leads and score quick wins. Content creation is how you continuously grow your brand.


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